Are You Over the Summer Heat? You Might Be Suffering From Iamoversummeritis
Since June 1st, we have only seen four short days of temperatures have than been under 80 degrees. The other 52 days this summer have been HOT, very hot. Mostly the temperatures have been hovering right around 90 degrees. I’ll be the first to say it… I am over the heat. I endured enough of it when I lived in Florida for seven years and I am ready for some cool, crisp late summer and fall weather.
There is a term for this feeling that I created out of the hot, dry air. If you feel that you are in this same position I am in. You might have a medical condition called “Iamoversummeritis”. Thankfully, this is not a serious condition and you can be diagnosed in a few short minutes. I have compiled a list of symptoms that will help you discover if you are, in fact, experiencing the early stages of Iamoversummeritis.
Carefully read over these statements and note if you feel any of these key indicators relate to you.
Your Skis/Snowboards Collecting Dust Make You Feel Sad
Day in and day out, you pull into your garage and you see your skis or snowboard just sitting there, lonely and neglected during the hot months of summer. You can’t help but walk by them and whisper “I miss you”.
You Miss Football Season
Feburary 7th, the Broncos took home the Lombardi from Super Bowl 50. February 8th, the countdown began for the next football season. Every day, you have a clock in your head saying “only ___ months and ___ days until kickoff!” and the closer we get to that date, the further away it seems.
You Look Longingly at your Hoodies in Your Closet
They have been hanging in there for a few months now and you cannot wait until the day comes where you will happily put it on and show the world it is once again hoodie season!
Your Stash of Green Chiles is Quickly Dwindling in Your Freezer
If you are like me, you bought what you thought was enough green chiles to last you until the next roasting season. Around this time of year, you open up your freezer for some quick, yet cool relief from the 90+ degree weather and begin to get anxiety as you see there are only 4 ziploc bags of those charred, spicy little spears of joy are left. Come on chile roasting season and get here already… I don’t know if I have enough chiles left to last me. This is a SERIOUS problem.
Pumpkin Spice Everything is on Your Mind
Even if you are one of those people who really can’t stand the taste of pumpkin spice, you like the smell. You miss that smell and cannot wait for it to come back! You might even fold this year and have more than one pumpkin spice latte this fall.
You Cringe at Your Utility Bill Every Month
Over the past two months, I cringe when I open up my email and see that there is one from Xcel Energy with the thought “how bad is the damage going to be this month?”. You need to keep cool and these temps have been too much to handle to keep your thermostat at a decent level. You and your bank account are patiently waiting for those 60 degree days instead of those 96 degree hot streaks.
You Lose Your Sense of Direction Because You Can’t See the Mountains
Afternoon comes and the mountains disappear behind a thick, hot haze. Earlier in the year, you could spot the peaks due to the snow pack. Now that most, if not all of it has melted, you have no idea which way is west anymore.
You Need a Dark, Stout Beer in Your Life
There is something about dark beers and hot summers that do not mesh well together.I had a stout beer once this simmer. The heaviness of the beer and the sweltering heat make you feel like you have just ate an entire family of eight’s Thanksgiving dinner. I need a barrel aged stout in my life, but it is simply just too hot to drink one.
All You Want is to Open the Windows in Your House for a Day
Wouldn’t it be nice to turn off your air conditioner, open all of the windows in your house and get some fresh air? I want that… I need that! Even with my air conditioner running nice and cool, it feels stuffy in my place. I know what would cure that feeling… Having the windows open on a nice crisp, not cold and not hot afternoon to air the house out. I keep hoping to see that the forecast will give us a short break from the heat just for a day or two.
Do you suffer from any of these symptoms? If you answered yes to any of these, chances are, you are most likely suffering from Iamoversummeritis. Fear not! Experts say the best way to relieve some of these symptoms is to do the following.
Head to your nearest walk in cooler with these following items:
- Hoodie
- Pork Green Chile
- One 12 oz. Stout beer
- A Smartphone with internet capabilities
Once to the walk in cooler, you will immediately start to feel relief from the high temperatures. Place hoodie on yourself, and then proceed to locate clips of the Denver Broncos 2015 football season online and watch. Next is to consume Pork Green Chile and the 12 oz. Stout beer while Denver Broncos clips.You initial treatment will only need to last approximately 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat as needed weekly until temperatures or football season has started.
I know what you are thinking… Just wait until winter and you’ll be begging for summer to hurry up and get here. You are probably right, but there is a tipping point where you get to be sick of the hot weather and just need a break.
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