I have done some silly thing's in this life, thought weird thing's and eat strange thing's and I wonder if I am alone or if you too do similar thing's, so let's see.

D Dennison


  1. At a buffet, I have salad for dessert (unless they have banana pudding)
  2. I only like mushrooms on pizza
  3. I think that I am the only one that changes the toilet paper roll
  4. I love popcorn
  5. I have an American Eskimo named Sam, he is 12
  6. I am an only child
  7. I was born in San Jose, Ca (raised in Fremont, Ca until I moved to Chaska,Mn at the age of 13-two weeks before I started high school-Scary)
  8. I have slid across the floor in my socks
  9. I don't drink hot chocolate
  10. I love to swim, but am afraid to swim in a lake

So, are we similar? Tell me something strange about you. Or as Blake would say, Who Are You When I'm Not Looking"

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