As Founder/President of Journey 4 Justice, a national group who give the Westboro Baptist Church a taste of their own medicine at their own homes, I want to make it clear that we have nothing to do with the Journey for Justice March planned on Saturday, December 6 in Ferguson, MO.
As founder/president for Journey 4 Justice, I had to make a decision today regarding our entry in the Loveland Veterans Day Parade and explain why we cancelled.
As the Founder/President of Journey 4 Justice, it would again be my honor to have you ride with us in this year's Loveland Veterans Day Parade on 11 November.
When Journey 4 Justice first stared in 2011, an assistant state captain with the North Texas PGR sent an email to all members dictating a boycott of J4J saying that members were not allowed to wear PGR patches to Topeka.
I started Journey 4 Justice back on 11 June 2011 and have made over a dozen trips to Topeka Kansas to do what we do. None have been better than this one.
Bob Hosier's life was cut short last year when a car pulled out in front of him. Next month, many from Journey 4 Justice will honor his biggest wish this year.
I wrote a story a long time ago about why I don't encourage people to stand in WBC picket lines. Now, more than ever, please read this story and share my message.
Charley and Lesli at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka KS - Photo courtesy of Phat Ratt PhotographyI am aware I spelled his name wrong in the headline. It's about respect and my lack of it for the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas.
It's not who you know. It's who you know that knows someone else. Such is the case for Journey 4 Justice and the ^5 (high five) from Full Throttle magazine.
November means turkey and a chance to salute our Veterans on the 11th each year. Journey 4 Justice will again have an entry and all motorcycle's are welcome to attend.