Journey 4 Justice Cancels Entry in Loveland Veterans Day Parade
As founder/president for Journey 4 Justice, I had to make a decision today regarding our entry in the Loveland Veterans Day Parade and explain why we cancelled.
After a conversation with Colonel Stan Cass last week, it was brought to my attention that he, along with Honor Flight Northern Colorado, are going to honor the Colorado Patriot Guard this year at the Veterans Day celebration at the Weld County Veterans Memorial in Greeley.
Due to my high respect for the Colonel, I did not want to turn this into a competition for support for either group. Since many of our Northern Colorado J4J members are also members of the Colorado Patriot Guard, I didn't want to make them choose which group to stand for. Each year, the Colonel honors a different group on Veterans Day and this year he chose the Colorado Patriot Guard, and rightfully so.
I believe this is the right decision for me to make; keeping our Veterans first and foremost in the forefront of what the day is all about. I just feel it's the right thing to do and I don't want anyone to have to struggle with a decision on who to stand with. We ALL stand for our Veterans and I support Colonel Cass, Honor Flight and the Colorado Patriot Guard.
For information on the Weld County Veterans Memorial event, just click on the link above and if you are a member of the Colorado Patriot Guard, please click on the big red link directly below to read the mission statement.
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