A group of students are working to create a product that will turn the tables on sexual predators.

Date Rape Polish Detector Getty Images
Date Rape Polish Detector Getty Images

What this group of undergraduate students from North Carolina State University are doing is definitely one for the records.

A group of four students are working to develop a nail polish that will be able to detect date rape drugs such as Rohypnol and GHB. The nail polish will change color when the drug(s) are present. All a woman would have to do is stir her drink with her finger for the polish to detect the drug(s).

Other than the obvious goal of this creation by the students who have come up with  Undercover Colors, a fashion company that will give the power back the women to prevent sexual assault, is to make potential predators afraid to spike a woman's drink. Thus turning the tables on would-be rapists.

The group isn't revealing much more at this time. All of the students are studying Materials Science and Engineering. The project started out as a University initiative to get students to address real-world problems. All of the group's members have known someone who has been through some type of date rape situation.


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