Mountain Lion Found Lurking Under A Colorado Home
Have you been under your house lately? Have you given that space under your deck a quick glance? Well, a Boulder resident just did and made a pretty scary discovery: a mountain lion just hanging out.
This particular young adult cat weighed about 120 pounds and, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, was safely removed and taken to a different location.
Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a whole lot of mountain lion sightings in the North Boulder area and officials believe this was one of those cats that may have been hunting down some prey, during this time of year, the big cats tend to hang out more in the lower elevations hunting for prey and food.
According to Wildlife Officer Tyler Ansicar,
Cats are going to come and go, it is not a new thing and it isn’t going to go away, so know that if you are out and about in town you have a chance of coming upon a mountain lion or other predators as well like bears, coyotes and foxes. So keep an eye on your pets, keep an eye on your kids and teach them what to do if they were to encounter a mountain lion or bear.
So yes, you can still spot various forms of wildlife, even in the deep freeze of winter and it's always important to know what to do and how to react when you see certain animals.
What to do if you see a mountain lion.
What to do if you see a moose.
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