Colorado is a beautiful place to be, but even states like ours have to deal with pests.

There are plenty of creepy crawlies and furry "friends" roaming throughout the Centennial State. Read on to see 10 common ones you need to watch out for in Colorado:

1. Black Widow Spider


Colorado Pest Management notes that black widow spiders frequently hide under stones or in firewood piles, barns, sheds, garages, and basements. They are usually active in temperatures higher than 70 degrees, but you can still find them year-round.

RELATED: These 13 Types of Spiders Live in Colorado

According to Colorado State University, the best ways to deter these spiders are minimizing nesting habitats on your property, sealing exterior hiding places, and regularly vacuuming spider webs.

2. Wasps & Hornets


According to EnviroPest, Colorado is home to three types of these insects: Western yellow jackets, paper wasps, and baldfaced hornets.

CSU recommends that you look out for these in early summer and fall. Wear protective gear to remove them, and in the case of Western yellow jackets, call in professional help.

3. Bats


EnviroPest reports that little brown bats are common in Colorado, and they often roost near food and water sources under rocks, woodpiles, trees, and roof eaves.

LOOK: Watch Hundreds of Bats Fly From a Former Colorado Mine Shaft

You can seal possible roosting sites to keep out bats, but CSU notes that you should not seal between late May and late July when baby bats could be around (it is illegal to kill bats).

4. Beetles


According to The Gazette, Japanese beetles, elm beetles, bombardier beetles, tiger beetles, and pine beetles are all frequently found in Colorado.

RAM Pest Control reports that you can fend off elm beetles by using chemical solutions or sealing crevices and capping your chimney.

5. Cockroaches


Colorado Pest Management states that German, American, and Oriental cockroaches all call Colorado home. They're mostly harmless, albeit disgusting, but can carry dangerous bacteria.

READ: Colorado Is a Good State to Live in if You Hate Cockroaches

Budget Pest Control suggests getting professional cockroach help since the bugs are often resistant to pesticides.

6. Rats & Mice


EnviroPest says Coloradans need to be aware of house mice and deer mice, while RAM Pest Control warns of pack rats.

RELATED: Denver Ranks as One of the Worst Cities for Rats

CSU notes that you can deter mice by installing door sweeps, sealing crevices, and protecting food and trash. Pack rats are more difficult to get rid of — RAM Pest Control recommends getting traps and calling in professionals.

7. Earwigs


According to Budget Pest Control, earwigs seek out water in the kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms of Colorado homes during winter and spring.

Colorado Pest Management recommends properly sealing doors and windows to keep earwigs out.

8. Bed Bugs


CSU reports that bed bugs feed on human blood and nest in crevices in beds, backpacks, clothes, books, and more.

RAM Pest Control says that because these bugs breed quickly, you need to have them professionally removed.

9. Ants


According to EnviroPest, there are three ant species common in Colorado: pavement, carpenter, and sugar.

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CSU says the best way to avoid ants is to keep your house clean and your doors and windows sealed. Carpenter ants can inflict the worst damage.

10. Voles


EnviroPest notes that Colorado voles are most active in the winter because the snow makes their burrowing less noticeable.

According to RAM Pest Control, you can discourage voles by regularly turning up the soil in your garden and keeping your lawn short.

Learn about the most dangerous animals in Colorado in the gallery below.

These Are the Most Dangerous Animals in Colorado

It's no secret that Colorado is home to stunning wildlife. However, that doesn't mean we should interact with the wildlife — some animals are meant to be avoided. See the dangerous Colorado animals you should steer clear of in the gallery below.

7 Invasive Insects in Colorado You Should Kill Immediately If You See Them

Check out the 7 most invasive insects found in Colorado. Many feel these insects should be exterminated on site. Find out what they are, and which parts of Colorado's habitat they are attacking the most.

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