Average Colorado Home Price Projected To Be Above $700K By 2030
It's no secret, Colorado home prices have skyrocketed over the past 10 years and even in a year that had a pandemic, there doesn't seem to be a slow down in sight.
According to Renofi, the average U.S. home could be worth $382,000 by 2030. The average home in Colorado by then is expected to be worth $763,309. The average in Denver meanwhile would be $928,267.
California would have the highest projected average home value, estimated at over $1 million. West Virginia has the lowest 2030 projection at $128,415.
Our Wyoming neighbors to the north rank 24th, with a 2030 average home projection of $334,367.
To get these estimates, they took the average price in each state and the 50 most populated cities in the US for this past fall of 2020 and again for the fall of 2010, then calculated the rate of change between to two timeframes and applied that to 2030 assuming the same or similar trajectory.
I know...that's a lot of math for my brain too. Average house prices were sourced from Zillow.
Moving here from the Seattle area where housing prices have gotten astronomically high, one of the best decisions we've ever made as a family was moving from the renting scene to buying our first home in 2016.
When we moved to Colorado in September, we decided to buy instead of renting for a while just for the simple fact that even in such a short amount of time as a year, the amount of equity that you can build is pretty impressive.
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