Angry Bull Elk Charges People In Downtown Estes Park
There are certain things you DON'T want angry at you. At or near the very top of that list is an animal that can be about 5-6 foot tall, weigh anywhere between 500-700 pounds and can run up to 35-40 mph. That would be a bull elk and just recently, one of those suckers got mad and started charging people in Estes Park.
Fall is a tricky time of year, yes it's beautiful but it's also when wildlife prepares for the winter season and between the bears in the hyperphagia stage, where they are fattening up for hibernation and will search desperately for food so they can eat up to 20,000 calories a day, fall and October in particular is when rut season is in full swing for elk and that tends to get them a little on the crankier side too.

This is prime time when males look to gather a bunch of females while fighting off other bulls looking to do the same, they're basically looking to be the head honcho alpha male. That pressure can get stressful and when these animals get cranky, it's not good for anyone, especially humans in their path as seen in this video provided by our friends at KDVR.
Crazy how they're all just hanging out, right there in Downtown Estes Park. As you can see some onlookers grabbing some pics and videos of the event it's always important to remember to keep your distance as much as you can from this or any other wild animal.
Especially one that weighs a few hundred pounds, has big pointy antlers and can charge up to 35-40 mph.
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