When is Prospect Road in Fort Collins Going to Re-Open?
The City of Fort Collins Engineering and Utilities departments have been working together all summer to replace the existing bridge over Boxelder Creek and construct stormwater improvements to the surrounding area. Prospect Road has been closed in both directions from the NW Frontage Road to just east of Summit View Drive since June. According to the city's website, the road is supposed to re-open at the end of August. I was constructions site on Sunday and I am suspect.
However, I received and e-mail from Fort Collins Utilities Project Manager Jay Rose and he said:
Yes, Prospect Road is scheduled to be opened to traffic on August 31st. We are on schedule and I do not anticipate any delay. There is still a lot of work that will continue out of the roadway into November but it will all be done with Prospect Road open to Traffic.
What is Being Done?
The current bridge over Boxelder Creek is structurally deficient and in need of replacement. City Engineering will be responsible for replacing the bridge with box culverts that will allow the creek to pass under the roadway and prevent the over-topping of East Prospect Road during flooding. City Utilities will simultaneously build stormwater improvements including the construction of a new channel and six new 4x12 foot concrete box culverts under Prospect Road that will direct flood water under Prospect Road to the Poudre River.
The project will cost $5.7 million.
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