In the midst of the ongoing war between Ukraine and Russia, Americans all over the country have been and continue to rally together in an effort to support and assist Ukrainians in any and every way possible - Ukrainian animals included.

Earlier this year - in March - the Denver Zoo launched a Wildlife Emergency Fund to provide assistance to the zoos in Ukraine that have been impacted by Russia’s war.

Last week, the Denver Zoo took to its Facebook account to make the heartwarming announcement that, thanks to generous donations from over 865 individuals, the zoo was able to raise and successfully distribute $50,000 to three Ukrainian zoos - including the Kyiv, Cherkassy and Odessa zoos. 

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“If there was no support of friends who send us money, it would be very, very difficult to buy the fruits and vegetables we buy for our primates every day,” said Kyiv Zoo Director Kyrylo Trantin in a recorded video statement shared with the Denver Zoo (which you can view + listen to above).

Getty Images/EyeEm
Getty Images/EyeEm

“Our main goal is to make sure that our animals do not feel that something is wrong behind the fence. They must eat well, we must serve them very well and give them our love and respect.”

According to zoo officials here in Colorado, the donations gathered from the zoo's Wildlife Emergency Fund will help the zoos care for their animals under these dangerous and difficult conditions.

Sideview of an Indian elephant mother and her calf as seen in Dublin Zoo
Getty Images

If you've yet to donate to the fund and would still like to, the Denver Zoo is continuing to accept donations and plans to send more funds to those — and potentially other — Ukrainian zoos in the near future.

“We’ve all watched in horror as this crisis has unfolded in Ukraine, and our hearts go out to the Ukrainian people who have shown incredible bravery and resilience,” Bert Vescolani, President and CEO of Denver Zoo and a council member of WAZA said, according to 9News. 

“Our community is so compassionate and caring, not only for Denver Zoo, but for other wildlife and conservation causes around the world. I’m inspired—but not surprised—to see such an outpouring of support for our friends in Ukraine.”

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