Last weekend I was driving my family through Denver, ironically to escape the crowds for some outdoor adventure - which we did eventually accomplish that day.
But not before, out of nowhere, a semi truck swerved from the right lane of southbound traffic, all the way over to catch a left exit to go east out of Denver - something I had never imagined I would see in my lifetime, let alone have happen
Not many people came into this NHL season with high expectations for the Colorado Avalanche and their chances on winning the cup. But I don't think many of us predicted that the season would turn out to be this bad.
We all know that the state of Colorado is one of the most beautiful places in America to live, work, and play. But that doesn't mean that every part of the state is amazing, and here is one man's take on every corner of the area.
Every year there are trends that are hard to understand. Some need to go away. These are Todd's "Top 5 Trends From 2015 That Need to Say Bye Bye in 2016".