The International Society of Arboriculture Tree Climbing Championship has made its way back to Fort Collins this year, taking place July 19-22 at City Park.
Last week, it was announced that HGTV will be filming a hit show in the Denver area, and now Bravo TV has jumped aboard the Colorado train too. The network has decided that the Centennial state will play host to Season 15 of the popular reality cooking competition, Top Chef.
For the 3rd year in row, the Scripps National Spelling Bee ended in a tie. A girl from Colorado finished 4th in the competition. Find out who won this year.
Weber Grills has crowned a Colorado man as the 2015 Big Burger Battle champion at the 75th Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. The grand prize was valued at more than $5,000.
A better question may be did you know that the city was in a competition? There is a national campaign that the Mayor has asked the city to join. What can you do to help the city win the water conservation competition?