I wrote a story about about a month ago on a local hero who needs our help and coming up Saturday, November 8, you can feed your family and help a U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Ranger at the same time.
Two more soldiers from the United States Army have given all they can. Though most of us would never know it, Operation Enduring Freedom still continues.
It was during game 2 of the divisional baseball series that United States Army Sgt. First Class Brian "Mayor" Keaton delivered what could go down as the best first pitch in the history of baseball.
U.S. Army 82nd Airborne Ranger, Mike "Sheepdogski" Adamczewski needs our help. Please consider helping this local hero from Loveland in his battle with stage 4 colon cancer.
I must apologize for being derelict in my duties on reporting casualties from Operation Enduring Freedom. We have lost three more souls, and a civilian. Let's hope they are the last.
Sgt. 1st Class Samuel C. Hairston, a former standout football player at the University of Houston, has come home; in a flag draped coffin. Rest In Peace Soldier!
Maj. Gen. Harold J. Greene is the highest ranking official to be killed in combat since 1970. His death came at the hands of an Afghan soldier we trained which begs the question.
Two more soldiers from the United States Army have given their all for Operation Enduring Freedom, and more importantly, our great Nation. These two are heroes by anyone's definition so please keep their families in your thoughts and prayers.