Stuffed Panda Found Crammed With Meth During Traffic Stop in Greeley
An Ault woman was arrested outside of Greeley's city limited for suspicion of dealing methamphetamine during a traffic stop according to the Greeley Tribune.
The traffic stop was for expired plates. When Officers pulled over the vehicle for the plates, a second unit arrived with a K-9 unit. The K-9 officer, Loki did an open air sniff of the exterior of the car and alerted officers of narcotics. A search of the vehicle revealed a black and white stuffed panda bear crammed with 86.3 grams of meth. The passenger of the vehicle, Kathy Hankins, admitted that the bear was hers. She was booked on counts of possession of a Schedule 2 controlled substance and unlawful distribution of of a controlled substance. She is currently in jail on a $50,000 bond.
Source: Greeley Tribune
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