Study Finds How Much Colorado Needs to Save for Retirement
If ever there was a golden number to strive for, this is it.
Have you started saving for retirement? I know that question can sometimes lead to awkward answers, but the sooner you can start, the better. Even if it's just a little money that you're putting away for a rainy day, it can add up to big things.
In a perfect world, we would have the money we needed at any given point in our life.
That's not always the case, but a recent study by Go Banking Rate has determined how much you need to save to survive those years following your career. Turns out, it's different in every single state. And, as you might have guessed, the more expensive your state is the more you should be saving.
The study found that the golden number for Colorado is $1,286,853.
That number is on the higher end of the list. It's worth noting that every single state finished at over $1 million to live comfortably in retirement. Hawaii is the only state to surpass the $2 million mark.