One Person has Filed 1700 Complaints Against a CO Airport
In Fort Collins, we have the train horn debate.
In other nearby areas, airplanes are all the guff, which on one hand, is no surprise. On the other, well... You could always... I don't know... not live near places you know are super noisy??!!
Or, you could take the approach of one resident who called Longmont's Vance Brand Municipal Airport and made 825 grievance calls over the course of last year. Better yet, be the one who made more than 1700 complaints to Denver International in 2017. That's an average of 4.7 calls every day for a year.
The Denver Post says three residents are responsible for 76% of all the noise complaints called into D.I.A. in 2017 - two of whom live 30 miles from the place. The airport took roughly 3500 complaint calls in total last year, which is actually a 25% decrease from 2016.