You Said That This Northern Colorado Parking Lot is a Nightmare
I have been in my fair share of parking lots where I say to myself "What were these planners thinking". I do that quite often. Some parking lots are not really all that easy to navigate and during the height of shopping hours, these parking lots can turn into pure chaos.
I think of myself as a decent driver and can usually avoid or get out of some hairy situations when the occasion warrants. But I will tell you, some of these parking lots in Colorado can be a pure nightmare to deal with.

I knew that I wasn't alone in this train of thought, so I asked you all what parking lots in Northern Colorado are a nightmare and you didn't disappoint. This comment on Facebook can be somewhat relatable:
The list of parking lots that aren't a nightmare would be much shorter.
Said Josh. I laughed at this comment after I read it because it's not wrong. Many Greeley residents chimed in and said that the Greeley Mall parking lot is a mess. This is what Talyor had to say about one Loveland parking lot.
The Chick-fil-A/Starbucks off of 34 in Loveland where they're building In-N-Out
I can agree with this one too as I am in that parking lot somewhat often.
The Scheels area parking lot. Too many turns in and out. The roundabout is always backs up.The light onto 34 out of the shopping center is a nightmare. Too busy for too few lanes in the whole area.
Said Sara on Facebook.
There is one parking lot in Northern Colorado that had people in agreement as being one of the worst. That parking lot is located in Timnath and if you live anywhere close to this parking lot, you know all about it.
That parking lot would be the Walmart parking lot. Many of you were quick to chime in and say that this parking lot was the biggest parking lot nightmare.
Timnath Walmart. Holiday seaon? Forget it. Four hours people were stuck.
Tammy wrote. Many other people shared their stories about being stuck in traffic from this parking lot as well. Is there another parking lot you try to avoid due to how it is laid out and the traffic it causes? We would love to know about it.
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