I-70 Stretch Now Requires Snow Tires Or Chains
If you plan to drive on I-70 in Colorado you'll keep this in mind: for the next nine months, it's required to have snow tires or chains on your tires between Dotsero and Morrison.
This requirement comes as Colorado's new traction law begins to take effect, according to a 9News Report.
The bill signed by former Governor Polis made the traction law a requirement for all non-4-wheel-drive or all-wheel-drive vehicles.
The law applies when there's snow on the roads and when there's not as well.
The law also states that the minimum tire tread must be three-sixteenths of an inch of tread on all tires.
With winter coming before you take a trip try to always have a full tank of gas, extra clothes, a blanket, and water.
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