MAX Bus Rapid Transit Testing and Training Begins In Fort Collins
I can't wait to try it out, but I won't get my chance til the city tests it first. The City of Fort Collins is beginning to test the MAX Bus Rapid Transit service. From early February until the start of service in May 2014, MAX buses will be on the guideway, Mason St. in Downtown and McClelland Dr. at various times.
Transfort staff will test guideway safety gates, signal prioritization system, ticket vending machines and other customer technology used for MAX operation. More than 40 bus operators are also receiving advanced driver training on the 60-foot buses.
Testing and training will occur at MAX stations as well. The announcement system, ticket vending machines and digital information screens will be tested in person by Transfort staff and contractors. The ticket vending machines are not collecting money or selling tickets until the end of summer. Likewise, the blue emergency call boxes are only being tested and are not operable at this time.
Traffic Impacts
During the testing and training phase, motorists will notice signal changes at several key intersections. To protect buses and pedestrians on the guideway, the southbound right turn at Horsetooth Rd. and McClelland is restricted to turn-on-green arrows only. Flashing yellow arrows for the southbound left turn emphasizes altered signal operations. Signals have also been added to eastbound and westbound pedestrian crossings. Lastly, there will be new signals next week where the MAX guideway intersects with both Prospect Rd. and McClelland.