Larimer County Get’s Set For National Night Out: Registration Coming to a Close
National Night Out is one of the most innovative programs ever. The best part of the event is the connections made in your own neighborhoods. You don't have to be best friends with your neighbor, although it sure would be nice if you were, but in reality sometimes that doesn't happen. If for no other reason, it's a great way to familiarize yourself with your neighbors-this is good for numerous reason. (like who is suppose to be there and who shouldn't be in your neighborhood, remember it takes a village)
This year marks the 30th anniversary of National Night Out and is coming up on August 6 To Register your neighborhoods participation call Barbara Bennett by Monday, July 29th at 970-682-0597.
Each year's National Night Out campaign involves citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, businesses, neighborhood organizations and local officials from over 15,000 communities from all 50 states in addition to U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. This equates to 37 million neighbors all taking part in this stand against crime.
In the past neighborhoods have celebrated National Night Out with block parties, cookouts, visits from local police, exhibits, parades and more.
National Night Out has proven to be a great tool to promote neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships to help keep us all safer.
Again, To Register your neighborhoods participation call Barbara Bennett by Monday, July 29th at 970-682-0597. (National Night Out is August 6th)