How Much Longer is Prospect Road Closed at College Avenue in Fort Collins?
My wife works at CSU. Yesterday I was driving to meet her for lunch and snapped this photo. It seems like Prospect Road has been closed for a month or so, but it has only been 1 1/2 weeks. We still have over a month to go for the 6-week project to be completed. Normally I would take Prospect to get home, but recently I have had to get creative.
Eastbound traffic on Prospect Road is being detoured onto Shields Street, where you can use Mulberry Street or Drake Road to reach College Avenue, and back to Prospect. Westbound traffic on Prospect Road is being directed to detour onto College Avenue, then to use Laurel or Drake to reach Shields Street, and back to Prospect. Pedestrians will be detoured to Lake Street or the Spring Creek Trail. Detouring through the CSU Campus is a bad idea.
The project is part of the MAX bus rapid transit system. New water lines, sewer pipes and electric conduits are being relocated along the MAX route. Following the underground work, a new concrete roadway, curb & gutter, and sidewalks will be installed as part of the new pedestrian-friendly MAX transit system.
For more information, including a detour map, visit fcgov.com/maxconstruction or call the MAX construction hotline, 970-416-2617.
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