Easter Seals of Northern Colorado Needs Gift Cards This Season
Easter Seals of Northern Colorado’s WINGS program, based out of Loveland, consists of a lot of great people that assist adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. You can help them help their clients by picking up an extra gift card this holiday season!
Easter Seals Northern Colorado’s WINGS program is looking for your help this holiday season. Gift cards. Gift cards from any and all retailers will go towards supporting their program for local adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. With Easter Seals Colorado, Northern Colorado Services being a 501 (c) 3 charity, you’ll also be able to deduct the amount on the gift card(s) from your income taxes.
So, when you’re at the store standing in front of that gift card stand, trying to figure out which one to get for your nephew in Ohio, grab an extra one for WINGS. You can mail or drop off the gift cards at their headquarters in Loveland: 1656 Topaz Drive, 80537
Help WINGS, in helping their clients Soar!
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