CSU Replacing Graduation With a Walk Across the Oval
Graduation may look different this year, but the Rams still know how to celebrate.
Colorado State University is replacing its traditional graduations with a Ceremonial Walk Across the Oval during the week of November 16.
In order to maintain social distancing, there will not be a hooding ceremony for Ph.D. students and guests will not be allowed to attend.
However, the event will be recorded and photographers will be on site to capture the moment when students receive their diplomas, and to take formal graduation pictures.
Masks are required and regalia is encouraged. Standard dress codes will be enforced, so make sure that you're wearing more than just your birthday suit under your robe.
CSU has also created a Digital Party Pack and a virtual yearbook for this year's graduating class.
Grads can post on social media using #CSURamGrad2020 to be featured on the university's website and in a virtual celebration video.
So get posting, get walking, and show the world that you're proud to be a CSU Ram.

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