Christmas Wish Granted for Family Who Lost Husband/Father in 2017
This holiday season, we are having the chance to grant wishes for families all across Northern Colorado. For today's wish, it was one of the toughest on-air breaks I have had to get through.
I had the chance to grant the wish of Cheri West, who nominated her sister Renee Simpson for the "Helping Hands Christmas Wish Campaign" after tragedy hit Renee and her three children in 2017. Here is the nomination that was sent by Cheri:
I would like to nominate my sister, Renee and her children, Chris (19), Brooke (17), and Hunter (3), for a Christmas Wish this year. In February of this year my sister’s husband, Chris, was killed in a trucking accident. While trying to avoid the other driver from being killed-he took the risk in his 18-wheeler of swerving off the road and ended up dying in the process and the other driver lived. My sister and her husband had been married for over 20 years and he would do anything for anyone in a heartbeat, just the type of guy he was. He had a heart of gold! With the sudden death of my brother-law my sister has been struggling to make ends meet. She is struggling to pay her bills every month and take care of her children not to mention dealing with the emotional, physical and mental pain that she and her family are going through on a daily basis. My nephew is in college and before his father passed his schooling was taken care of but since the passing of his father my nephew might not be able to finish because my sister can’t afford to pay it on her own. My sister has been really down and really trying to stay strong for herself and her children but I know that not being able to provide some kind of Christmas and normality for them has really started to take a toll on her. The past 10 months have been really hard on all of the family because Chris was such a big part of our family and this holiday season I am asking that you grant this wish for them so that they know that they are still loved and that some good can still happen for them even during this awful time as this is their first holiday season without Chris. Any help or assistance that you could offer would be greatly appreciated. Happy Holidays and God Bless!
Loving Little Sister,
Cheri West
I'll be honest that I had a tough time reading this nomination myself when I was on the phone with Renee. For a family to have to go through such a tragedy is something that never should've happened. However, we wanted to make the first Christmas without Chris be at least a little easier to handle financially for the family.
So we, along with the great people at Thompson River Pediatrics, were able to grant the wish of getting the electricity bill paid for Renee and her family. We hope we were able to play at least a small part in making the holiday season much better.
Here's the phone call that we made to Renee this afternoon:
Don't forget to submit your nomination as well, as we'll be granting wishes through December 21st.
Big thank you once again to our friends at Thompson River Pediatrics for helping to make the holiday season brighter for families in need this year!
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