Awkward Family Photos Exhibit Comes to Fort Collins
If there's one thing guaranteed to put a smile on your face, it's looking through the hilarious submissions on the website, AwkwardFamilyPhotos.com.
From glamour shots gone wrong to hysterical holiday pictures, these incredibly awkward family photos have captured many moments and memories from the past 50 years. Now, these funny photos are being put on display in museums across the country, including in Fort Collins. Beginning on May 18, the Museum of Art Fort Collins will be showcasing The Awkward Family Photos exhibition, featuring more than 200 images, along with stories, straight from the website. In addition, around 50 local families have also entered their cringe-worthy family photos into the exhibit. According to the Museum's executive director, many of the photos come from the '70s, '80s, and '90s, which adds some nostalgia to the experience. The Awkward Family Photos exhibit just goes to show that art doesn't always have to be serious or send a strong message, and if nothing else, it's sure to make you laugh. The exhibit will be in town through July 15.
The Museum of Art Fort Collins is located at 201 South College Avenue. Hours are Wednesday – Friday: 10am to 5pm and Saturday – Sunday: noon to 5pm. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for students/seniors, $1 for youth ages 7-17, and free for kids 6 and under, Museum and Founders Society.
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