Adams County To Open New “Homes For Hope” For Foster Kids
Around this time of year, people tend to think about those who are nearest and dearest to them. But we also know that sometimes the holidays and our loved ones can be a rough combination, especially for those of us who might not get to spend time with those we wish. This is particularly difficult for kids in foster care, whether the separation has had time to age or is as fresh as the day before.
However, Adams County wants to do something to help these kids, especially during the early days when they’ve been removed from their parents due to neglect or unsafe situations. According to The Denver Post, the county has created a new, first-of-its-kind program called "Homes for Hope." It is meant for children going into emergency foster care, to help lessen the shock of relocation. Instead of frantically trying to move kids into any home that may be open, Adams County now has two houses that will offer children temporary, safe shelter while they wait for more permanent placement. Each home will keep kids ages 1 to 18 for up to 60 days, allowing social workers time to search for better homes so kids can stay with family members, well-fitting foster families, or even back with their parents, if applicable. This would also help avoid sending children to other counties and help keep siblings together, instead of separating them when the only available places are those that are distant or cannot take multiple children.
In addition, teen moms with infants would be able to stay in these homes while stronger housing alternatives are found, allowing for less trauma for both.
The larger of the two houses is on 17 acres land, while the smaller perches on 128 acres. Both have been remodeled and are protected from development by easements granted to Westminster. The host families that will live in these houses would not have to pay mortgage or rent, and would only be responsible for negligible utilities. They would also receive the state-issued rate for each child living in the home.
Although these families would not be able to adopt the children coming into their care, they would be providing them the short-term stability they desperately need, says Adams County Human Services Director, Janis James. “We want to give the kids a little breather, a little less trauma in their lives,” she said, and these homes should be a way to do it.