5 Most Recent UFO Sightings In Colorado
Yesterday I wrote about retired NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell's Cold War alien theory. While he admitted there is no logic or proof behind his claim that aliens prevented the United States and Russia from waging a nuclear war, I believe there could be something to it. Not everyone believes in life on other planets, or that aliens visit Earth, but I do - and a lot of other people do, too.
Though they aren't reported frequently, there have been several UFO sightings reported right here in Colorado. These are the 5 most recent UFO sightings in the state.
- Photo credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Images
Photo credit: Ethan Miller/Getty Images 1Adams County - July 15, 2015
An unnamed Colorado man reported seeing 2 bright red saucer-shaped objects hovering over his Adams County neighborhood at around 9:15 p.m. on July 15, 2015. His wife argued they were airplane lights or fireworks, but the man says he could see the saucers clearly when they flew close to the window of their house. The man also reported the arrival of two Air Force jets and helicopters in the area, immediately after which the red disc-shaped objects took off at "great speed." It's uncertain the connection between UFOs and military jets, however, UFO enthusiasts typically speculate aliens follow the jets for observation.
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Berthoud - March 31, 2015
UFOBuff417 on YouTube says he sees these strange lights "almost every day" in Berthoud. Check out more videos on his YouTube channel.
- Photo credit: NASA/Getty Images
Photo credit: NASA/Getty Images 3Fairplay - December 14, 2014
Witnesses took photos of the beautiful scenery in Fairplay while driving along Highway 285 at around 1:30 p.m. on December 14, 2014. When looking at the photos on her phone, one witness says an object appeared that could not be found with the naked eye. She took another 2 photos quickly back-to-back while traveling at 65 mph, the object having traveled drastically between the photos. See one of the witnesses' images here.
- Photo credit: NASA/Getty Images
Photo credit: NASA/Getty Images 4Colorado Springs - December 16, 2014
Driving west on Vindicator, witnesses say they spotted a bright horseshoe-shaped object over the north ridge of Pikes Peak at 4:48 p.m., which disappeared quickly. They were able to get photos of the object on their cell phone.
- Photo credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA/Getty Images
Photo credit: Bill Ingalls/NASA/Getty Images 5Hooper City - October 2014
Residents in Hooper City reported multiple UFO sightings in the month of October 2014 - all about a bright colored disc flying above the area. Apparently the San Luis Valley is a UFO hotspot, where there have been documented sightings dating back to the 1700s.
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