Will & Grace is Returning to Television – The 5 Other TV Shows They Should Bring Back
NBC is bringing back "Will & Grace" for a new 10-episode limited series set to air on the network in the 2017-18 TV season. Eric McCormack, Debra Messing, Sean Hayes and Megan Mullally all agreed to return. I have to be honest. I have never watched an episode of the show. However, it got me to thinking. What shows would I like to see return to television? I came up with my top 5.
5. The Cosby Show
Before Bill Cosby was accused of sexual misconduct he had the most popular show on TV. "The Cosby Show" was part of must-see TV on Thursday nights. I never missed an episode. Without question, it was the funniest show on TV in the 80s.
4. Cheers
Cheers had such a great ensemble cast. There were so many great characters like Norm, Cliff, Frazier, Diane, Sam, Woody, Coach, Rebecca, and so many more. The bar was really the star of the show. I do miss it. Norm and Cliff had some of the best one-liners ever in the history of television.
3. Seinfeld
Seinfeld was a self-described show about nothing, but it was hilarious. It was the show that everyone could relate to because Jerry Seinfeld took every day situations and made them hilarious. Kramer, Elaine, and George also were perfect sidekicks for Jerry. I am glad this one is still in syndication.
2. 24
24 is the one show that I have seen every episode for. I didn't watch the 1st 3 seasons, then someone talked my wife and me into binge watching them. We watched all three seasons in less than a month. Then we were hooked and never missed an episode. I hear they are making a "24-Legacy" show, but without Jack Bower, I doubt if I will watch. Keifer Sutherland was born to do that role.
1. M*A*S*H
M*A*S*H is the greatest TV show of all time. I was in college before I started watching it. My parents didn't let us watch the show because it had swearing in it. I think I have seen just about every show in syndication. It took a very serious topic and made it funny, but also had some of the most serious poignant moments on TV as well. I miss this show more than any other.