Well, I hate to say it but it was two of my favorite funny guys; Penn and Teller.  Wait, actually it was a brilliant idea! They did it to make a point that this was "real life" and even made sure Attorney General, Janet Reno, knew of it.  Hey, maybe we could use this game as a punishment?

Desert Bus, created in 1995, was a satire against the anti-video game lobbying of the early 90's and the game never saw an official release.

In the game, players complete a real-time eight hour journey between Las Vegas and Phoenix, Arizona. The on-screen bus gradually leans towards the right side of the road, so players must keep their hands on the controller, and swerving will make the bus engine stall — which results in players have to start the journey over. The game also can't be paused, and there is no traffic or NPC interaction. Each eight-hour trip between both cities rewards player with one point.

Teller basically summed up the game like this:

The route between Las Vegas and Phoenix is long. It's a boring job that just goes on and on repetitiously, and your task is simply to remain conscious. That was one of the big keys — we would make no cheats about time, so people like the Attorney General could get a good idea of how valuable and worthwhile a game that just reflects reality would be.

As irony would have it thought, a lot of good has come from the most boring video game ever created: Desert Bus for Hope.  The event is held every year where players from all over play the 8 hour game and raise money for "Child's Play."  The event this year will be on November 16th and as of this story, they have raised almost $500.000.

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