Want To Track Santa With Your Kids? NORAD In Colorado Is Now Live.
It's tradition for many families to track where Santa is as he travels around the world delivering gifts to all of the good little boys and girls. The website to track Santa is now live for games and fun as we get ready to track the big guy on Christmas Eve.
How can we track Santa Claus on Christmas?
Yes, a lot of people do track Santa. But this might be something completely new to you, so let me help you out. The absolute best way to track Santa Claus with your kiddos is with the NORAD tracking center. Colorado Springs, Colorado, is the home of NORAD, which is the North American Aerospace Defense Command, and on most days is responsible for aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning for both the US and Canada. On December 24 though, it tracks Santa as he travels the globe, including your house. If you've been good, anyway.
How do you access NORAD Santa Tracker?
You can access the NORAD Santa tracker in a couple of different ways. They have a website NoradSanta.org, but they also have an app that you can access easily on your phone or tablet. There's also a phone number that's staffed on Christmas Eve for your kiddos to call and get an exact location on just where Santa Claus is delivering presents at that very moment. That number is 1-877-Hi-Norad or 1-877-446-6723. A friend of mine used to work at the NORAD command center each year and would tell me all about the adorable kids who would call and express their curiosity for Santa and his whereabouts, so don't hesitate to have your family give them a call.
The NORAD website has lots of games and fun that are currently up & running and ready to be enjoyed as we count down the days to good ol' St. Nick's arrival. Happy tracking, and Merry Christmas.
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