Want Longer Weekends? This Colorado County Is Testing Out 4-Day Workweeks
The real question is, who wouldn't be interested in having longer weekends?
One Colorado county is about to test out four-day work weeks.

According to an Oct. 25 press release, Clear Creek County will pilot a four-day workweek beginning in 2023.
About Clear Creek County's 4-Day Workweek
Clear Creek County's Board of County Commissioners approved of adopting the trial period of a four-day workweek during their most recent meeting on October 18th.
Starting January 3, 2023, the county's four-day workweek will affect administrative, planning, and other non-emergency walk-in service roles within Clear Creek County.
How will Clear Creek County residents be affected by this change?
As per a press release from the county, all Clear Creek County buildings (with the exception of the Health and Wellness Center) will now be open to the public from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m Monday through Thursday.
This way, all residents will now have the opportunity to access county buildings and services for an extra hour every day. In addition, residents are also encouraged to visit the county's official website for a variety of services offered online.
The county notes that not all county offices will be impacted by the switch to a four-day business week. The following offices/services are exempt from the county's four-day workweek
- Clear Creek County Sheriff's Office
- Emergency Medical Services
- Public Works, Transit,
- Public Health
and will continue to operate as usual.
"Employees have almost unlimited opportunities to choose where they would like to be employed in today’s market", an Oct. 25 press release from the county reads.
"Given the other pressures on the County’s budget, simply trying to compete for employees based on money does not seem to be a sustainable strategy.
This recommendation is designed to accommodate the varied nature of the services that the County provides. While it is driven by the goal of making the County’s workplace more attractive, serving the public continues to be the priority."
How long will Clear Creek County's 4-Day Workweek last?
The trial period for the new hours will take place from January 3rd, 2023 to May 12th, 2023. After that, the County and the BoCC will reconvene to discuss if this will be a permanent change that the County will adopt moving forward.
For more information, visit clearcreekcounty.us.
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