New Belgium Brewing is bring the Tour de Fat, presented by Fat Tire, back to the brewery’s headquarters in Fort Collins for the first time in nearly a decade.
Cute couple's costumes can bring you down when you don't have a significant other, so share these fun ideas with the real special someone in your life- your dog!
According to the Coloradoan, if you are planning on heading to Tour de Fat and the CSU football game this weekend there are some things you need to plan on when it comes to getting from Point A to Point B.
New Belgium’s Fort Collins Tour de Fat is Saturday, September 5 in Civic Center Park. We have the complete entertainment schedule for the all-day event.
Tour de Fat is a great event that has been put on by our Fort Collins own, New Belgium Brewing Company for 16 years. It raises money for local bike clubs, is a great time for the whole family and the 2015 date has just been announced.