A report from the National Low Income Housing Collation says that to afford a modest 2-bedroom apartment in Wyo, a person needs to make $16.85 an hour.
You can't get much for $200K these days in terms of housing here in Northern Colorado but if you're willing to downsize a LOT...there are some places for you.
Housing in Colorado has skyrocket but there are some homes that can fit into a budget if you look close enough and are willing to move a "little" further out.
As an owner of two 80 lb. German Shepherds, I have to say that finding a place to rent was incredibly difficult. Now that my wife and I are homeowners with a lax HOA, we don't have to worry about it. However, there have been a few instances that it was very tedious and discouraging when it came looking for a new place to live...
The housing market throughout Northern Colorado is still red hot in many cities, including Greeley. However, the most expensive house in the city is still relatively good priced compared to other housing. Would you buy it?