The 8 Great $3 Movies Coming to The Rialto For the Summer of 2022
It's hard to beat cheap fun, and $3 movies certainly fit the bill. The Rialto Theater in Downtown Loveland is celebrating its 102nd year, by giving us the chance to see some fun movies very inexpensively.
Visiting Loveland Colorado's Rialto Theater these days, you would never know that for a few years they blocked off the theater and put an indoor mall around it. It sounds crazy, but its true. The mall had a great sandwich shop, as I recall. Mom probably paid $3 for those sandwiches. Great $3 deals are back.
The summer of 2022 will see The Rialto screening eight movies spanning 71 years; movies that will bring a smile, and maybe a couple of tears, to your face. All the movies begin at 7 p.m., giving you time to grab a great meal in Downtown before the film rolls.
With each movie being only $3, you have the opportunity to bring friends/family to flicks they never have seen; how fun would that be?
Your Summer of 2022 Rialto Theater Movie Lineup:
The 1952 musical-comedy with Gene Kelly, Donald O'Connor and Debbie Reynolds on the big screen is a must. The amount of talent in this movie is easily worth twice your ticket price.
I think most people know Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in 1963's 'To Kill a Mockingbird;' this movie from nine years earlier certainly puts Greg in a different light. Add in all the beautiful locations and the one and only Audrey Hepburn, you have yourself a piece of movie magic.
June 24, 2022 - 'O Brother, Where Art Thou?'
It's a comedy-drama, it's a crime movie, it's also a musical. The George Clooney 'classic' from 2000 raked in about $72 million, for it's sheer fun, alone. The outstanding soundtrack makes it even more enjoyable.

July 1, 2022 - 'Together, Together'
This is the most-recent movie (2021) of the eight that the Rialto will be screening for only $3. Ed Helms has been more than a few movies, but Patti Harrison is a relative newcomer. This is one of those small, independent movies that I, myself, enjoy so much.
July 8, 2022 - 'Sunset Boulevard'
From 1950, this is one of those movies that not many have seen, but need to. It's listed as one of the best films ever made, and was one of the first films to be placed into the National Film Registry. Very high praise, worthy of your $3.
July 15, 2022 - 'Ocean's Eleven'
In the heat of summer catch one of the hottest movies of 2001. 'Are you in?' I can't wait to see this on the big screen again, uninterrupted by commercials or anything. So many great actors and so many great scenes. $3 to see a heist movie involving $160 million? I'm in.
July 22, 2022 - 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding'
I'm betting you'll be able to sneak in some Windex, along with your Kleenex, for this one. Relive the fun you had when you saw this 20 years ago in the theaters; the movie that made family fun, again, and made John Corbett a movie star.
July 29, 2022 - 'A Star Is Born'
The final of the eight $3 films The Rialto is screening in the summer of 2022 is the latest telling of the classic tale. Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga eat up the screen together and the music is phenomenal.
Just for fun-- have you seen this? Hysterical:
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