Rattlesnakes Becoming More Dangerous in Colorado
Every spring and summer, our ears are always perked up when walking on a Colorado trail to listen for the rattle of a snake. But that warning may be going away.
According to Denver Channel 7, rattlesnakes as we know them may be evolving and losing the rattle that has always warned us if we got to close to them.
Experts say that by killing the rattlesnakes with a rattle, we've now created a snake that either rarely rattles or doesn't use the alarm at all.
The article states that there are parts of the country where rattlesnakes have completely lost their rattle, and that this could actually be a viable part of our future instead of just being a speed bump.
The possibility of this happening has been talked about for the last few years, with National Geographic covering this story three years ago:
I've actually seen more rattlesnakes throughout the front range of Colorado than I have seen in years past. So the possibility of rattlesnakes losing their rattle, along with increased snake activity, is a good reminder of what to do if you were to be bit by a rattlesnake.
This video does a good job of showing you the do's and donts if you were ever to be a victim of a rattlesnake bite.
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