Opinion: I Felt Safe at the Trump Rally in Loveland
In a world of violent Trump rallies, I have to speak up and say that I felt very safe at the rally in Loveland on Monday night.
"Be safe," friends wrote.
"You might get stabbed," others warned.
I even heard from one media friend who told me, from personal experience, that Trump sometimes riles up the crowd and gets them to yell at the media pen.
Needless to say, I received plenty of warnings from people close to me (most liberal) who thought I was going to die at the Trump rally at the Budweiser Events Center.
I'm not here to say their concerns were invalid - actually, there is indeed a history of violence at Donald Trump rallies from the time a 19-year-old man was arrested for trying to grab a police officer's gun to that moment then-campaign manager Corey Lewandowski "forcibly" grabbed a female reporter and nearly brought her to the ground when attempting to ask Trump a question during a press conference. Slate.com has documented these incidents, and we've seen them all over the news.
While my friends' concerns are totally valid, I obviously lived to tell the tale. I'm also actually going to take this opportunity to tell my friends to chill out because I felt safe at the Trump rally.
Not once during the event did I feel like I was going to get stabbed, shot, or attacked in any manner.
I attribute this to the very dedicated law enforcement agencies present during the event who kept the "crazies" at bay and from hurting other people. Though, there weren't many "troublemakers" causing mayhem at the rally to begin with.
I am probably missing some, but I want to thank the Larimer County Sheriff's Office, Fort Collins Police Services, and the Secret Service for keeping all of us safe no matter what our race, background, occupation, reason for attendance, or political beliefs. This goes for Trump supporters, protesters, and the media alike.
I apologize if I am missing some law enforcement agencies who were there. Thank you to all involved for protecting us.
A final note to those who thought we were all going to die at the Trump rally: calm down.
Also, I don't mean to beat a dead horse but Trump definitely forgot who former Denver Broncos coach Mike Shanahan was.
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