New Zoning for Mobile Home Parks in Fort Collins
This past Tuesday Fort Collins City Council members approved a new zoning district around mobile home park preservation and an extension on a moratorium on park redevelopment. This will allow them the rest of the year to rezone Fort Collins mobile home parks preventing redevelopment and the threat of displacing residents.
The Coloradoan reports:
There are 10 mobile home parks within city limits, accounting for about 1,400 mobile homes. Another 14 parks are located in the city's growth management area, so they will likely be annexed into city limits eventually.
Most parks are owned by investment groups, large companies or other entities outside of Fort Collins. Parks whose owners don't live in Fort Collins account for over 80% of the mobile home units within Fort Collins' GMA.
No mobile home parks in city limits have closed since 2012, but five parks have closed in the past 23 years, displacing 461 families. All the parks were redeveloped into commercial or residential projects.

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