More Photographic Proof That Birds Really Do Hate Todd Harding
I think it was last year about this time that I did a story about how Todd's truck seems to anger the local bird population. Last year his truck was attacked by the precision bird dropping association in a very ugly fashion. Apparently they are back!
I am not sure what Todd has done to anger our feathered friends but they seem to have it out for him. Todd even claims he has washed his truck more this year than ever before but that they keep attacking him. I have to think a NASCAR crew chief could explain to him how that turd build up can effect his aerodynamics but I will leave that to the experts. They say the early bird gets the worm but in this case I think the early bird gets to crap on Todd's truck first. If you see a nice looking truck that could double as a turd hearse rolling through Northern Colorado, it is probably our own Todd, the Birdman, Harding.
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