Loose Calf in Evans Evades Police
Here is a MOOving story about a calf that just wanted to run free! Evans Police responded to a report of a loose calf around 37th Street and 1st Avenue on Thursday that was headed toward Highway 85.
Four officers tried to capture the loose baby moo, but were unsuccessful in their attempts. The calf wandered the roads of Evans and eventually did end up crossing Highway 85 and then back again without being struck by a car. Around that time, Greeley and Weld County Animal Control came in to the mix to assist in getting the calf to safety. The calf then decided that it wanted to head south, heading toward Riverside Park. Before officials could apprehend the calf, it crossed the South Platte River. The attempt to capture the calf was called off and farm owners around the area were contacted.
Source: Greeley Tribune