We've all thought about making our way out to Europe to take in all of the beautiful sights, smells, and experiences it has to offer.

However, many of us have never been. Whether it is due to the exorbitant prices tied to planning such a trip or even time restrictions, getting to Europe in the first place can be quite a challenge.

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With that being said, there are plenty of similar destinations right here in the heart of Colorado that can compare to some you may see across the Atlantic.

Take a Look at These 10 Colorado Spots That Are Just Like Europe

Europe has some of the most breathtaking views and sites of cultural importance in the world, but we have plenty of similar experiences right here in Colorado.
Sure, they aren't the exact same. You won't be able to immerse yourself in a completely new culture while visiting historic landmarks, for instance.
However, Colorado offers a diverse array of activities that are in some cases are comparable. Here are a list of ten different places in Colorado you can check out to wet your appetite for European exploration.

Gallery Credit: David Damuth

These 12 Colorado Small Towns Say ‘Meet Me On Main Street’

If you love the feeling of community that is found on the Main Streets around America, you'll love a visit to the following towns right here in Colorado. Learn more about some of the oldest communities in the state that still feature this special part of old-time America.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

From Front Range to Western Slope: Explore Colorado's 12 Tiniest Towns

Don't blink, or you could miss them. Here are the top twelve tiniest towns in Colorado. From missile sites to amusement parks, searching for wide-open spaces starts here.

Gallery Credit: Wes Adams

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