You know what's rude? Using your Grand Junction neighbor's trash bin without asking. We all know the holidays are a time of heavy trash volume. If your trash bins are full, what can you do?

Read More: Is It Illegal to Throw Trash Out of a Car Window in Colorado?

Did you know that it is technically a crime to throw your garbage away in someone else's trash bin without permission? We'll explain and review what some options might be for residents of Western Colorado.

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Throwing Trash In Someone Else's Bin

Trash Rules in Colorado

In the state of Colorado, dumping trash is illegal and so is littering. Leaving trash in someone else's bin is often considered littering in most cities as it fits the definition of "leaving waste in inappropriate places." It's not your bin, and you left garbage in it. Leaving large amounts of trash is considered illegal dumping, and considered worse than simple littering.

Setting Items By The Curb

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In most places in the Centennial state, it's ok to take items that have been thrown out with the trash along the curb. Some places may have local rules about trash picking or curbside pickups, so if you are unsure you should check with the city or county you are in. If you are stepping onto private property, you could be trespassing.

Read More: Breaking The Law? Is It Illegal To Dumpster Dive In Colorado

I've Got Too Much Trash

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To request an extra garbage pickup for your home in Grand Junction, Colorado, you can contact the City of Grand Junction's Solid Waste Division. They typically offer options for additional pickups for a fee. You can also take all that extra trash from the holidays to the landfill if you don't want to schedule an extra pick-up at home.

LOOK: The Colorado State Patrol Cracking Is Down on These 10 Violations

The Colorado State Patrol has announced its plans to crack down on ten violations as the summer driving season gets underway in the Centennial State. See what the ten most common traffic violations are in the photo gallery below.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: 12 Ways Coloradans Accidentally Break the Law Without Knowing It

Have you ever discovered you were breaking a law in Colorado that you didn't even know about? You're not alone. We're looking at 12 common mistakes Coloradans make that can result in a costly fine if you are not paying attention.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

UP NEXT: 13 Things That Are Illegal to Do in Colorado

Feel like letting your hair down this weekend in the Centennial State? Have fun! Just be sure to avoid any of these thirteen illegal activities that will get you into trouble in Colorado. Which illegal activity in the gallery below surprises you the most? Open our station app and let us know.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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