Help Me Analyze the Bizarre Dream I Had Last Night [POLL]
I don't always remember the dreams I have, but when I do, sometimes they are doozies. Last night I had a very bizarre dream and I would like your assistance to analyze it.
It started simple enough. I was scheduled to speak at a local school. I decided to take my nephew along with me. (He is full grown, but in the dream he was a little boy.) I finished with my talk and the teacher pulled me aside. She told me my nephew had stolen something from her classroom. Next thing I know I was waiting to return to the class to apologize. While I waited, I fell asleep. While I was sleeping, two boys undid my jeans. When I stood up my pants fell to the ground. Then, for some reason, I had to address the parents, teachers and students in my underwear. After my speech I couldn't find my way out of the school. There didn't seem to be any exits.
It all seemed so real. So, help me figure it out. What does it mean? Please answer my poll too.