Have You Ever Noticed the Hidden Word in the Wendy’s Logo? [VIDEO]
I was watching TV last night with my wife when a Wendy's commercial came on. My wife asked if I had noticed the hidden word in the logo. I said she was nuts and that there was not a hidden word in it until I looked up at the screen and it hit be right in the eyeballs. I could clearly see the word 'mom' staring at me.
If you look at the neckline area of the logo you will see the word 'mom' in the collar and necklace of the girl in the picture. I had never noticed this before in my life. I looked it up online and found that many say it was on purpose and many say it was just an unintentional occurrence. I then found a video which discusses a few other things that show up in product logos that you might not be aware of. I found this interesting and now all I see when I look at these logos are the hidden images. Check it out for yourself.