Have a Birthday Coming Up? Here is Where You Can Get Free Stuff!
Everyone loves getting free stuff for their birthday, and you mainly get the gifts from friends and family. But some Colorado businesses also share the love!
One of the best parts about celebrating your birthday is, if you belong to the mailing list for the business, you will receive great offers as you get closer to your big day.
Just remember what we said here, you must belong to the mailing list/club of the company that you are hoping to get a freebie from. If you are expecting that you'll be able to walk in and have them acknowledge your birthday, you'll be in for a rude awakening when you have to pay full price.
Have anything else that you want to add to this list? Email us and let us know so we can add it to the gallery!
Big thanks to Denver Channel 7 for all this great info! Check out their website for even more fee deals.
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