Gone But Not Forgotten: The History of the Windsor Flour Mill
Sunday, August 6th. It's a date that will go down in the memories of the residents in the town of Windsor when a piece of history was taken away from the community.
In a short span of less than ten years, the historic Windsor Flour Mill has seen it's share of devastation and loss. However, the fire that started in the early morning hours of August 6th may be the last fight that this memorable building could put up with.
When I first heard of the fire when I woke up Sunday morning, it definitely kicked me back. And I'm not a resident of Windsor. However, the ties that the Windsor Flour Mill had from Fort Collins to Greeley makes this loss even tougher.
I wanted to take some time today to do some research on this historic property in the community, and found a great article written by the Greeley Tribune back in 2016.
Here's some great information I picked up from that article, written by Allison Bluemel:
- Did you know that the building was originally made of four different sections? From the actual mill to the warehouse part of the complex, it comprised what was once the focus of downtown Windsor.
- Did you know that the mill actually was closed after World War I because of the downturn of the economy?
- The town used the building as a livestock feed storage facility up until 1990. It was actually used for this purpose for close to 71 years.
- It is actually on the National Register of Historic Places.
What will become of the property that the former mill sat on will now be put into question, but it will allow us to focus on what the mill meant to the town of Windsor. The property was being redeveloped for future use, but the fire has definitely put a pause on those plans.
For more information on the history of the Windsor Flour Mill, check out these two great videos focused on the property. They are packed with information and are fantastically produced:
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