Festival of Lights Coming to Downtown Loveland This Week
The Festival of Lights is coming to Loveland this week. The celebration is from 5-8 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30 on Fourth Street in downtown Loveland.
Enjoy live performances on stage and sing-along with the carolers. Visit with Santa. Sit on his sleight and receive a free Santa bag to pick-up treats throughout downtown. There will be free horse-drawn carriage rides, a petting zoo, kettle corn, hot chocolate and pictures with Santa’s special guests – Snow Queen, Snow Princess, Robots and a Dinosaur. The tree lighting is at at 6 pm in front of the Rialto at 228 E. Fourth St.
Give Back This Holiday Season
The Downtown District has partnered with the 137 Connection in downtown Loveland to help those in need. Please bring any of the following items to the Rialto Theater during the Festival of Lights:
- Toilet Paper, Facial Tissue, Paper towels
- Trash Bags: 13gal-Kitchen, 39gal, 55gal
- Large Plates, Small plates, Bowls (Paper/Plastic)
- Forks, Spoons, Knives (Plastic)
- Hot cups, Cold cups, Stir sticks
- Laundry soap, Bleach
- Simple green cleaner, Windex cleaner, Lysol Disinfectant spray, Febreze spray
- Hand sanitizer
- Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner, Scrubbing Bubbles Bathroom cleaner, Liquid Plumber
- Clorox Cleaner + Bleach
- Ziploc bags: small, sandwich, Quart, Gallon
- Dish soap
- Coffee, Coffee filters, Creamer, Sugar
- Double Edge Razors, Shaving Cream
- Deodorant small
- Foot Powder
- Toothpaste small
- Shampoo small
- Tarps
- Hand-Warmers, Gloves
- Flashlight and Headlamps
- Battery Powered small Alarm Clocks
- Bike Locks
- Belts
- Thermal Tops and Bottoms
- Duct Tape
- AA Batteries
- Small Sewing Kits
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