Downtown Greeley Takes Away Parking to Ease Congestion
Parking in downtown Greeley has always been tough, and the congestion caused by full street parking is a constant issue. So the city took steps to alleviate the problem by removing 16 spaces from the downtown area.
The days of cars packed three layers deep in angle parking along 9th Avenue between 10th and 7th streets are coming to an end. Fueled by a surge in parking tickets, and ticket appeals in municipal court, the city opted to take advantage of an already scheduled overlay project along 9th Avenue to pull the angled parking from the center of the street, which pinched space so tight safety was becoming a concern.
[via GreeleyTribune.com.]
There are now a few parallel parking spaces in the center of the street, where the angled parking used to be. Although there are fewer spaces overall, traffic congestion should now be less of an issue downtown, officials say.
Some downtown businesses think the new parking arrangement looks better, while others think fewer spaces are costing them customers.
What do you think of the new parking rules in downtown Greeley?
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