Colorado does just about everything best, here's the list.

Poudre River D Dennison
Poudre River D Dennison


  • We have the Rocky Mountains (sure they may expand, bur really they're ours)
  • You can buy pot (Washington - what?)
  • Outdoor Music Venues... Hello Red Rocks!
  • Nobody does road construction like we do.. all possible alternative routes will almost always have an alternative route
  • What other state has not one but two large blue statues... a bear and a horse, right?
  • Beer, Beer, Beer, Beer!
  • An obesity rate under 21%... We're a bunch of hikers!
  • We're a pretty attractive group... go ahead, stalk Facebook and look at groups of other people in other states... :)
  • Powder... and yes, skiing season is getting closer
  • Rocky Mountain Oysters, nuff said
  • Sports Stadiums, Olympian Training, FOOD and dining... this list could really go on an on

What makes Colorado special to you?


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