I can't help but think of the Brad Paisley song every time I hear, say, or think about the word ticks. While that is a pleasant experience, dealing with ticks isn't.

Tick season has been rolling along for a bit but will be peaking over the next couple of weeks. So, here are some important things to keep in mind.

Ticks can actually be found year-round for the most part, and not only are they nasty looking, but they can also cause several different diseases.

According to the CDC, ticks can carry deadly diseases like Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and tularemia.

"They are pretty common," said Dr. Ian Tullberg, Medical Director for Urgent Care Service Line at UCHealth. "You need to be checking yourself for these things. Most likely you've had a tick on you, you may just not have known it.”

According to our friends at UCHealth, the most common diseases from ticks here in Colorado are Colorado Tick Fever and Tick Borne Relapsing Fever.

Crazy to think that there are 30 different types of ticks here in Colorado alone, with the most common being the Rocky Mountain Wood Tick and the American Dog Tick.

The tough thing about ticks is that if you do indeed get a bit by a tick, symptoms may not appear for several days.

According to Dr. Tullberg, "Typically on days three through ten, it's possible to have a reaction," said Dr. Jacan Simon, Family Physician at Peak Vista Community Health Center. "Things to watch out for are fevers, chills, swelling, redness of the skin, irritation, pain. If anything like that's happening, we definitely want you to follow up with your medical provider.”

Checkpoints for ticks after hikes or exploring in the great outdoors:

  1. Legs
  2. Back of knees
  3. Under arms
  4. Hair
  5. Waist

Your dog should also get a good sweep for any ticks hiding in their fur

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